Tuesday, June 8, 2010

IWO Show Mega Results Release 3

IWO: West -

Live from Seattle, Washington!


World Cup Qualifying Matches -

Yellowstone Grizzlies - Heel () (1-2) beat Arizona Lawmen - Heel () (3-1)
at 15:08 using the Grizzly Claw.

Laguna Beach Stingrays - Heel () (3-1) beat Vegas Gangstas - Heel (Tru Lok and Blud) (1-4) at 5:16 with the Stingray Splash.

Lone Star Longhorns - Heel (2-1) beat Bay Area Pelicans - Face (2-1) at 5:16 with the Longhorn Stampede.

West Yellowstone Bison - Face () (1-3) beat Blob Alliance - Heel (Blob Twins, Mama Blob, Mini-Blob, Blob Boyfriends, D-Blob) (1-3) at 2:12 with the Yellowstone Crusher.

Tornado Alley Twisters - Heel (2-1) beat The Reapers - Heel (2-1) at 5:14 using the F-5 Tornado.

Seattle Orcas - Face (2-1) beat Squared Circle All-Stars - Face (Royal and Diamondback, Yankee, Mariner, Brewer, Marlin, Pirate, Tiger, Oriole) (4-3) at 1:14 with the Orca Bite.

San Diego Seagulls - Face () (3-1) beat Anchorage Eskimos - Face (1-2) at 3:45 with the Seagull Dive Bomb.

North Dakota Golden Eagles - Heel (3-0) beat Bear Republic Bruins - Face (0-3) at 1:45 with the Eagle’s Claws.

South Dakota Pronghorns - Face (2-1) beat Wyoming Cowboys - Face (1-2) at 4:54 with the Pronghorn Pounce.

Rocky Mountain Rams - Heel (0-3) beat "Drive Thru" David Weir - Face (0-3) and "Fast Food" Frank Jackson - Face (0-3) at 5:56 with the Battering Ram.

Updated IWO: West Records:
Darth Varga - Heel (4-0)
Grave Digger - Face (0-1)
California Kid - Face (1-2)
Apache Warrior -Face (2-1)
RAID - Heel (1-1)
Imperial Desert Storm Trooper - Heel (1-2)
Man Made Terror - Heel (0-2)
Aluminum Man - Face (2-2)
Vegas Gangstas - Heel (Tru Lok and Blud) (1-5)
Blob Alliance - Heel (Blob Twins, Mama Blob, Mini-Blob, Blob Boyfriends, D-Blob) (1-4)
"The Ultimate High School Jock" Biff Busey - Heel (0-0)
"Outlaw" Bart Mitchell - Heel (0-0)
"Drive Thru" David Weir - Face (0-4)
"Fast Food" Frank Jackson - Face (0-4)
The Reapers - Heel (2-2)
Squared Circle All-Stars - Face (Royal and Diamondback, Yankee, Mariner, Brewer, Marlin, Pirate, Tiger, Oriole) (4-4)
Arizona Lawmen - Heel () (3-2)
San Diego Seagulls - Face () (4-1)
Laguna Beach Stingrays - Heel () (4-1)
West Yellowstone Bison - Face () (2-3)
Yellowstone Grizzlies - Heel () (2-2)
Bay Area Pelicans - Face (2-2)
Seattle Orcas - Face (3-1)
Anchorage Eskimos - Face (1-4)
Lone Star Longhorns - Heel (3-1)
Tornado Alley Twisters - Heel (3-1)
Rocky Mountain Rams - Heel (1-3)
North Dakota Golden Eagles - Heel (4-0)
South Dakota Pronghorns - Face (3-1)
Wyoming Cowboys - Face (1-3)
Bear Republic Bruins - Face (0-4)


IWO: East -

Live from Atlantic City, New Jersey!


World Cup Qualifying Matches -

The Southern Confederacy - Heel (Billy Bob Lee and Cletus Parker) (1-4) beat Louisiana Gators - Face (2-1)
at 6:17 using the Southern Comfort.

Tennessee Raccoons - Face (1-2) beat Boston Tea Party - Face (Benjamin Adams and James Washington) (4-1) at the 3:40 with the Raccoon Splash.

New England Nightmares - Tweener (Samuel O‘Hara and John Trenton) (11-0) beat Michigan Roadsters - Heel (2-1) at 6:17 with the New England Backstabber.

Florida Hurricanes - Heel (3-0) beat Three Storms - Heel (Thunder, Lightning, Rain) (1-4) at 3:12 with the Eye of the Hurricane.

Washington Senators - Heel (1-2) beat Bloodz - Heel (Deth Jamz and Roc Fella) (1-4) at 2:12 using the Veto.

Connecticut Patriots - Face (2-1) beat Chesapeake Bay Wrestling Alliance - Face (Patrick McMahon and Jake Williams) (1-3) at 6:44 using the Patriot Missile.

Georgia Highway Patrol - Face (Sgt. Mike Daniels and Lt. Vince Copeland) (1-3) beat Philadelphia Independents - Heel (2-1) at 5:15 with the Arrest Warrant.

Great Lakes Wolves - Heel (Timberwolf and Black Wolf) (3-1) beat Plymouth Pilgrims - Face (0-3) at 1:15 with the Howling at the Moon.

Updated IWO: East roster records:
IWO New World Champion - Black Widow - Heel (2-2) (won 05/05/2010 in Mexico City, Mexico)
IWO Universal Tag Team Champions - New England Nightmares - Tweener (Samuel O‘Hara and John Trenton) (12-0)
Main roster members -
Masked Mysterious - Face (3-2)
Burger King Mask - Tweener (1-1)
Salem Witch hunter - Face (1-1)
Ghostbuster - Face (1-0)
The Southern Confederacy - Heel (Billy Bob Lee and Cletus Parker) (2-4)
Boston Tea Party - Face (Benjamin Adams and James Washington) (4-1)
Buffalo Bill - Face (1-0)
Three Storms - Heel (Thunder, Lightning, Rain) (1-5)
Bloodz - Heel (Deth Jamz and Roc Fella) (1-5)
“Iron” Mike Steel - Heel (1-2)
It the Clown -Heel (1-1)
Madman of Northern Maine - Face (2-2)
The Oid - Heel (0-1)
Amityville Spectre - Heel (0-1)
Headless Horseman - Heel (0-1)
Chesapeake Bay Wrestling Alliance - Face (Patrick McMahon and Jake Williams) (1-4)
Georgia Highway Patrol - Face (Sgt. Mike Daniels and Lt. Vince Copeland) (2-3)
Great Lakes Wolves - Heel (Timberwolf and Black Wolf) (4-1)
The Wildman of Maine - Heel (3-1)
Plymouth Pilgrims - Face (0-4)
Florida Hurricanes - Heel (3-1)
Michigan Roadsters - Heel (2-2)
Philadelphia Independents - Heel (2-1)
Tennessee Raccoons - Face (2-2)
Louisiana Gators - Face (2-1)
Connecticut Patriots - Face (3-1)
Washington Senators - Heel (2-2)


IWO: Canada -

Live from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!


World Cup Qualifying -
Saskatchewan Wapiti - Face (Brad Douglas and Rob Argan) (1-2) beat Canadian National Hockey Team - Face (Canuck, Senator, Maple Leaf, Flame, Canadien, and Oiler) (3-1)
at 4:17 with the Elk Ram.

New Brunswick Clippers - Tweener (Nicholas Connors and Abraham Lunette) - Tweener (4-1) beat First Nations - Face (Chief Iron Bear and Eagle Claw) (1-3) at 5:05 with the Wave Cutter.

Nova Scotia Trading Post - Face (Joseph Smith and William Peters) (4-0) beat Newfoundland Black Bears - Face (Michael Foster and Nathan Webster) (3-2) at 7:13 with the Trade Route.

Northwest Territories Polar Bears - Heel (Big Bear Stevens and Polar Bear Bryant) (0-3) beat Nunavut Inuits - Face (Kwaluk the Bear and Iron Mountain) (3-1) at 6:27 with the Polar Bear Plunge.

Hudson Bay Company - Heel (Richard Hudson and Sir Edward McIntyre) - Heel (1-3) beat Quebec Separatist Movement - Heel (Jean Grenier and Michele Dubois) (1-2) at 2:44 with the Hudson Bay Driver.

Updated IWO: Canada roster records:
IWO International Champion - "Wrestling Machine" Mike Gunn - Heel (won 11/04/2009) (3-0)
Main roster members -
Canadian National Hockey Team - Face (Canuck, Senator, Maple Leaf, Flame, Canadien, and Oiler) (3-2)
Winnipeg Blue Bomber - Face (1-1)
The Yukon Mountie - Heel (3-1)
Slam Boomsdexter - Face (1-0)
The Canadian Rockies Sasquatch - Heel (0-1)
"The Dungeon Escapee" Fred Hart - Face (0-2)
Maple Leaf Madman - Heel (1-1)
Canadian Grizzly - Heel (1-0)
Lumberjack Layne - Face (0-1)
First Nations - Face (Chief Iron Bear and Eagle Claw) (1-4)
Canadian Ice Monster - Heel (0-2)
Fur Trapper - Face (1-2)
Nova Scotia Trading Post - Face (Joseph Smith and William Peters) (5-0)
The Yukon Adventurer - Face (0-1)
Nunavut Inuits - Face (Kwaluk the Bear and Iron Mountain) (3-2)
Hudson Bay Company - Heel (Richard Hudson and Sir Edward McIntyre) - Heel (2-3)
New Brunswick Clippers - Tweener (Nicholas Connors and Abraham Lunette) - Tweener (5-1)
Newfoundland Black Bears - Face (Michael Foster and Nathan Webster) (3-2)
Omak Wan the Arctic Wolf - Heel (4-0)
Northwest Territories Polar Bears - Heel (Big Bear Stevens and Polar Bear Bryant) (1-3)
Arctic Fox - Face (1-1)
Quebec Separatist Movement - Heel (Jean Grenier and Michele Dubois) (1-3)
Saskatchewan Wapiti - Face (Brad Douglas and Rob Argan) (2-2)


IWO: Americas -

Live from Puebla, Mexico!


World Cup Qualifying Matches -
Killer Pirates of the Outer Caribbean - Heel (Captain Jack Morgan and “Killer Klown from Outer Caribbean) (4-0) beat Tribe of the Amazon - Face (Tupi and Korubo) (1-3)
at 2:10 using the Walk the Plank.

Cuban Communist Alliance - Heel (Fidel Rodriguez and Raul Valenzuela) (1-3) beat Viva Azteca (Juan Antonio and Jesus Martinez)- Face (3-1) at 4:44 with the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Maya Wrestling Club - Face (Juan Canek and Jacinto Chi Canul) (3-1) beat Revolucion Mexico - Heel (Miguel Hernandez and Roberto Velez) (2-2) at 6:17 with the Maya Massacre.

The Martinez Cartel (Juan Miguel Rodriguez and Jose Cervantes) - Heel (2-2) beat Pride of Venezuela - Heel () (0-3) at 4:57 with the Smuggling Operation.

Bermuda Triangle (Lance Smith, Richard Stewart, and Victor Acadia) - Heel (3-0) beat Team Marley - Face (Jimmy Tosh and Lee Jones) (1-2) at 2:22 with the Bermuda Bomb.

Updated IWO: Americas roster records:
Main roster members -
El Diablo del Muerte - Face (0-1)
Fidel Rodriguez - Heel (0-0)
Ultimo Furio - Heel (0-0)
Ricky Martinez - Face (0-0)
Juan Encarnacion - Face (1-1)
Lego Man - Face (0-2)
Dragon Warrior - Face (3-1)
Monstro - Heel (0-1)
Pirata Ciclone - Heel (0-0)
Killer Pirates of the Outer Caribbean - Heel (Captain Jack Morgan and “Killer Klown from Outer Caribbean) (5-0)
"The Bad Guy" Jorge Covarrubias - Heel (4-0)
Cuban Communist Alliance - Heel (Fidel Rodriguez and Raul Valenzuela) (2-3)
Revolucion Mexico - Heel (Miguel Hernandez and Roberto Velez) (2-3)
Inca Warrior - Face (1-1)
Montezuma - Heel (0-2)
Team Marley - Face (Jimmy Tosh and Lee Jones) (1-3)
Maya Wrestling Club - Face (Juan Canek and Jacinto Chi Canul) (4-1)
Viva Azteca (Juan Antonio and Jesus Martinez)- Face (3-2)
Jaguar - Face (0-1)
Kid Lucha - Face (0-2)
Tribe of the Amazon - Face (Tupi and Korubo) (1-4)
"King of Rio" Jose Valenzuela - Heel (1-1)
The Martinez Cartel (Juan Miguel Rodriguez and Jose Cervantes) - Heel (3-2)
Bermuda Triangle (Lance Smith, Richard Stewart, and Victor Acadia) - Heel (4-0)
Pride of Venezuela - Heel () (0-4)


IWO: Europe -

Live from Liverpool, United Kingdom!


World Cup Qualifying:

Sicilian Mafia - Heel (Salvatore Falcone and Giovanni Vizzini) (2-1) beat Ireland Celts - Face (Michael O‘Hara and Andy O‘Sullivan) (2-1)
at 4:45 with the Mob Hit.

British Colonials - Heel (John Raleigh and Richard Cabot) (1-2) beat French Revolution - Tweener (Jacques Robespierre and Jean-Paul Brissot) (0-4) at 2:33 using the Colonial Takeover.

Iceland Volcanoes - Face (3-0) beat Team Germany - Face (Max Schumacher and Friedrich Wilhelm) (1-2) at 2:27 using the Volcanic Eruption.

Scandinavian Vikings - Face (Olaf the Red and Erik of Normandy) (1-2) beat British Royal Navy - Face (2-1) at 7:08 using the Viking Demolition.

Norwegian Gray Wolves - Heel (2-1) beat Regal Crown Alliance - Face (Edward and James Drake) (2-2) at 4:14 with the Howl at the Moon.

Black Sea Mariners - Heel (1-2) beat East India Trading Company - Heel (Thomas Lancaster and Oliver Clive) (2-1) at 8:09 using the Sea Storm.

Updated IWO: Europe roster records:
IWO Universal Champion - Lord Cyrus the Great - Heel (3-1) (won 10/31/2009)
IWO Old World Champion - Greenland Shark - Heel (1-1) (won 05/13/2010)
Main roster members -
Spaniard - Face (1-1)
Blue Knight - Face (0-1)
Black Mage - Face (0-2)
Marco Monaco - Heel (0-1)
Portuguese Man of War - Face (1-1)
Conquistador - Heel (2-2)
Guillotine - Heel (0-2)
French Revolution - Tweener (Jacques Robespierre and Jean-Paul Brissot) (0-5)
Regal Crown Alliance - Face (Edward and James Drake) (2-3)
Red Knight - Heel (0-2)
Loch Ness Monster - Heel (0-0)
East India Trading Company - Heel (Thomas Lancaster and Oliver Clive) (2-2)
British Colonials - Heel (John Raleigh and Richard Cabot) (2-2)
Scandinavian Vikings - Face (Olaf the Red and Erik of Normandy) (2-2)
Sicilian Mafia - Heel (Salvatore Falcone and Giovanni Vizzini) (3-1)
Ireland Celts - Face (Michael O‘Hara and Andy O‘Sullivan) (2-2)
Team Germany - Face (Max Schumacher and Friedrich Wilhelm) (1-3)
Iceland Volcanoes - Face (4-0)
Norwegian Gray Wolves - Heel (3-1)
British Royal Navy - Face (2-2)
Black Sea Mariners - Heel (2-2)


IWO: Africa -

Live from Pretoria, South Africa!


World Cup Qualifying Matches:
Kenya Wrestling Club - Face (Daniel Mboya and Mwai Biwott) (1-2) beat Egyptian Dynasty - Face (Pharaoh Tut and Ra) (4-1)
at 12:34 using the Kenya Destroyer.

Desert Nomads - Face (Dune Breeze and Desert Palm) (2-3) beat Congo Guerillas - Heel (Thomas Malik and Walim Kenab) (0-4) at 3:45 with the Nomadic Journey.

The Somali Pirates (Masa and Marco) - Heel (2-2) beat Al Muszako Organization - Heel (Mohammed el-Aziz, Ramsi Bashir, and Tariq Abdul Nazir) (2-2) at 2:14 with the Pirate Raid.

Lion's Pride (Njombe and Tsavo) - Face (4-0) beat The Africools - Face (Super Congo, Sudanese Phantom, and Kilimanjaro Killer) (1-2) at 4:44 with the Lion’s Mane.

Updated IWO: Africa roster records:
Main roster members -
The Africools - Face (Super Congo, Sudanese Phantom, and Kilimanjaro Killer) (1-3)
Nairobi Nightmare - Heel (0-2)
Serengeti Slayer - Heel (0-1)
Desert Nomads - Face (Dune Breeze and Desert Palm) (3-3)
Tusken Raider - Face (4-0)
Al Muszako Organization - Heel (Mohammed el-Aziz, Ramsi Bashir, and Tariq Abdul Nazir) (2-3)
Col. Mancuso - Heel (2-2)
Casablanca Kid - Face (0-2)
Ramses II - Heel (1-1)
Nigel Taylor - Heel (1-1)
Egyptian Dynasty - Face (Pharaoh Tut and Ra) (4-2)
Congo Guerillas - Heel (Thomas Malik and Walim Kenab) (0-5)
Lion's Pride (Njombe and Tsavo) - Face (5-0)
Gazelle - Face (0-2)
Mozambique Maniac - Heel (0-1)
The Somali Pirates (Masa and Marco) - Heel (3-2)
“Nairobi Bullet” Raila Kibaki - Face (3-1)
Kenya Wrestling Club - Face (Daniel Mboya and Mwai Biwott) (2-2)


IWO: Asia -

Live from Beijing, China!


World Cup Qualifying Matches -
The Second Ottoman Empire - Heel (Osman II and Murad V) (0-4) beat South Korea Bears - Face (2-1)
at 5:18 with the Ottoman Clutch.

Hokaido Whalers - Heel (2-1) beat Super Sumo Team - Face (Wakashima and Tachiyama) (2-1) at 3:45 using the Harpoon.

Chinese Taipei Dragons - Face (0-3) beat Russian Federation - Heel (Boris Drago and Ivan Karloff) (2-2) at 6:18 using the Dragon’s Fire.

Bhutan Mountain Dragons - Face (1-2) beat Rising Sun Warriors - Face (Yoshi Takahasi and Koji Kenta) (3-1) at 12:03 with the Mountain’s Fury.

Bengal Tigers - Face (2-1) beat Doom Ninjas - Heel (Ninja One and Ninja Two) (2-1) at 3:16 using the Tiger Growl.

The Second Mongol Empire - Heel (3-0) beat Peking Giant Pandas - Heel (1-2) at 3:44 using the Mongolian Drop.

Tibetan Blue Bears - Face (0-3) beat North Korea People‘s Army - Heel (1-2) at 6:17 with the Free Tibet.

Updated IWO: Asia roster records:
Main roster members -
Red Panda - Face (0-2)
The Second Ottoman Empire - Heel (Osman II and Murad V) (1-4)
Russian Federation - Heel (Boris Drago and Ivan Karloff) (2-3)
Soviet Superpower - Heel (4-0)
Kamikaze - Heel (0-1)
Samurai III - Face (1-2)
Rising Sun Warriors - Face (Yoshi Takahasi and Koji Kenta) (3-2)
Super Sumo Team - Face (Wakashima and Tachiyama) (2-2)
Tokyo Kaiju - Face (0-1)
Doom Ninjas - Heel (Ninja One and Ninja Two) (2-2)
Chinese Taipei Dragons - Face (1-3)
The Second Mongol Empire - Heel (4-0)
Peking Giant Pandas - Heel (1-3)
Bengal Tigers - Face (3-1)
Tibetan Blue Bears - Face (1-3)
Yoshi Tanaka - Face (2-1)
Chinese Water Dragon - Heel (0-1)
Yao Fu Ming - Face (1-1)
Bhutan Mountain Dragons - Face (2-2)
North Korea People‘s Army - Heel (1-3)
South Korea Bears - Face (2-2)
Hokaido Whalers - Heel (3-1)


IWO: Oceania -

Live from Greater Hobart, Tasmania, Australia!


World Cup Qualifying Matches -
Western Australia Sharks - Face (2-1) beat New Zealand Maori Alliance - Face (Apirani Waitangi and Waiata Poi) (2-3)
at 5:56 using the Shark Bite.

South Sydney Kangaroos - Face (3-0) beat Aborigine Wrestling Club - Face (Yothu Goolagong and Joseph Gulpilil) (3-2) at 16:07 using the Kangaroo Kick.

South Australia Bandicoots - Face (2-1) beat Rugby Team of Australia - Face (Rabbitoh, Dragon, Rooster, Eel, Sea Eagle, Titan, Shark) (0-4) at 4:47 with the Bandicoot Bash.

Queensland Wombats - Heel (Charles Pearson and Arthur Tallis) (1-4) beat
Polynesian Alliance - Face (Gaston Temaru and Marama Santoro) (1-3)
at 9:44 with the Wombat Slam.

Uluru Wallabies - Face (Yarri Anu and Mokare Unaipon) (3-2) beat Perth Crocodiles - Heel (0-3) at 9:09 with the Wallaby Driver.

Barrier Reef Chimaeras - Heel (Ghost Shark and Stingray) (3-2) beat North Sydney Koalas - Face (1-2) at 7:08 using the Reef Driver.

Star Tropics - Heel (Mike Starr and Zidane Jones) (3-2) beat Wrestling Federation of Micronesia - Face (Alik Mori and Joseph Nena) (1-4) at 4:04 with the Tropical Typhoon.

Oceania Eels - Heel (“Moray” Matt Stevens and “Electric“ Edward Williams) (2-3) beat Bound for Earth - Tweener (Ness Onett and Jeff Threed) (2-3) at 8:09 with the Electric Eel Shock.

Updated IWO: Oceania roster records:
Main roster members -
Kiwi - Face (1-2)
Mad Max Jr. - Face (1-3)
"Maximum Overdrive" Steven Van Ham - Heel (1-0)
Aborigine Wrestling Club - Face (Yothu Goolagong and Joseph Gulpilil) (3-3)
Rugby Team of Australia - Face (Rabbitoh, Dragon, Rooster, Eel, Sea Eagle, Titan, Shark) (0-5)
Queensland Wombats - Heel (Charles Pearson and Arthur Tallis) (2-4)
Tasmanian Devil - Heel (0-1)
Platypus Man - Face (1-0)
Uluru Wallabies - Face (Yarri Anu and Mokare Unaipon) (4-2)
New Zealand Maori Alliance - Face (Apirani Waitangi and Waiata Poi) (2-4)
Barrier Reef Chimaeras - Heel (Ghost Shark and Stingray) (4-2)
Outback Jim Dundee Jr. - Face (3-0)
Prince Kiawani - Heel (1-2)
Saku - Face (2-2)
Naimena - Face (0-2)
Star Tropics - Heel (Mike Starr and Zidane Jones) (4-2)
Wrestling Federation of Micronesia - Face (Alik Mori and Joseph Nena) (1-5)
Lagoon - Face (1-2)
Sea Dragon - Heel (0-2)
Mako Shark - Heel (2-2)
Bound for Earth - Tweener (Ness Onett and Jeff Threed) (2-4)
The South Pacific Explorer - Face (0-1)
Polynesian Alliance - Face (Gaston Temaru and Marama Santoro) (1-4)
Oceania Eels - Heel (“Moray” Matt Stevens and “Electric“ Edward Williams) (3-3)
Western Australia Sharks - Face (3-1)
South Sydney Kangaroos - Face (4-0)
North Sydney Koalas - Face (1-3)
Perth Crocodiles - Heel (0-4)
South Australia Bandicoots - Face (3-1)


Upcoming Schedule for World Cup Tour:

IWO: West - Anchorage
IWO: East - New York City
IWO: Canada - Vancouver
IWO: Americas - Tijuana
IWO: Europe - Glasgow
IWO: Africa - Cape Town
IWO: Asia - Shanghai
IWO: Oceania - Auckland


World Cup Qualifying Score Updates!

Points system: 2 points for a win
World Cup automatic bids: If a team gets 10 or 8 points out of 10 (4 and 5 wins), they are automatically into the World Cup 2010. 6 points is the minimum to get in.

* = reached the minimum amount of points to make it.
Italicized teams have been eliminated from World Cup contention.

Here are the current scores for every participating IWO tag team:

IWO: West -
Gangstas: 2
Blobs: 2

Reapers: 4
All-Stars: 4
Lawmen: 4
SD Seagulls: 6*
LB Stingrays: 8*
WY Bison: 6*

Grizzlies: 2
BA Pelicans: 4
Orcas: 6*
Eskimos: 2
LS Longhorns: 4
TA Twisters: 4
RM Rams: 2
ND Golden Eagles: 8*
SD Pronghorns: 6*

Cowboys: 2
BR Bruins: 0

IWO: East -
NE Nightmares: 8*

Confederacy: 2
Boston TP: 6*
Storms: 0
Bloodz: 0

Georgia HP: 4
GL Wolves: 8*
Pilgrims: 0
Hurricanes: 8*
Roadsters: 4
Independents: 4
Raccoons: 4
Gators: 4
Patriots: 6*
Senators: 4

IWO: Canada -
Canadian HT: 6*

First Nations: 0
NS Trading Post: 8*
Inuits: 4
HB Company: 2
NB Clippers: 6*
Black Bears: 4
Polar Bears: 0
Quebec SM: 2

Wapiti: 4

IWO: Americas -
Killer Pirates: 8*

CCA: 4
Revolucion Mexico: 2
Team Marley: 2

Maya WC: 6*
Viva Azteca: 4
Tribe OTA: 0
Martinez Cartel: 6*
Bermuda Triangle: 8*

POV: 0

IWO: Europe -
French Revolution: 0
RCA: 4
East India TC: 4
Colonials: 6*
Vikings: 4
Mafia: 6*
Celts: 4
Team Germany: 2
Volcanoes: 8*
Norwegian GW: 6*

British RN: 4
BS Mariners: 4

IWO: Africa -
Africools: 2
Nomads: 4
AMO: 2
Dynasty: 6*
Guerillas: 0
Pride: 8*
Pirates: 6*

Kenya WC: 4

IWO: Asia -
Second OE: 2
Russia WF: 4
RS Warriors: 6*
SST: 4
Ninjas: 4
CT Dragons: 2
Second ME: 8*
Peking GP: 2
Tigers: 6*
Tibetan BB: 2
Bhutan MD: 4
North Korea PA: 2
SK Bears: 4
Whalers: 6*

IWO: Oceania -
Aborigine WC: 6*

RT of Australia: 0
Wombats: 4
Wallabies: 6*
New Zealand MA: 4
BR Chimaeras: 6*
Star Tropics: 6*

WF of Micronesia: 2
BFE: 2
PA: 2

Eels: 4
WA Sharks: 6*
SS Kangaroos: 8*

NS Koalas: 2
Crocodiles: 0

SA Bandicoots: 6*


Teams in the World Cup:
Week 3 -

Long Beach Stingrays
North Dakota Golden Eagles
New England Nightmares
Boston Tea Party
Great Lakes Wolves
Florida Hurricanes
Canadian Hockey Team
Nova Scotia Trading Post
Killer Pirates of the Outer Caribbean
Bermuda Triangle
Iceland Volcanoes
Egyptian Dynasty
Lion’s Pride
Rising Sun Warriors
Second Mongol Empire
Aborigine Wrestling Club
South Sydney Kangaroos

Week 4 -
San Diego Seagulls
Wyoming Bison
Seattle Orcas
South Dakota Pronghorns
Connecticut Patriots
New Brunswick Clippers
The Martinez Cartel
Maya Wrestling Club
British Colonials
Sicilian Mafia
Norwegian Gray Wolves
Somali Pirates
Bengal Tigers
Hokaido Whalers
Uluru Wallabies
Barrier Reef Chimaeras
Star Tropics
Western Australia Sharks
South Australia Bandicoots


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